Wednesday, July 15, 2009

:: Advice of The Month ::

I receive a lot of advice from left right and center all the time. Some I think are very useful and some I don't but keep it at the back of my mind. A good friend of mine once said, things are said all the time about everything. Some good, some bad. The most important thing to remember is that only Allah has the power to make our mind and our heart accept whatever advice that is given to us.

So if you cant comprehend something immediately, don't dismiss it straight away. Don't even comment on it. For there will be a time when that particular advice might be useful. I hold what he said to heart and true enough, I realize that we may hear the same ol thing over and over again but when Allah decided to open our heart, we could really listen and practice the good piece of advice.

Yesterday, I received a comment on this blog about my previous post. Ray of light said (I hope you don't mind bro..) :

Let me quote a hadith (with highlights on the bolded words)

"Seven (types of) people will be shaded by God in His shadow on the day on which there will be no shade other than His: a just ruler; a young man raised in the worship of God; a man whose heart is attached to mosques; two people united in the love of God who join for Him and separate for Him; a man who is summons by a noble and beautiful woman to whom he says, “I fear God”; a person who gives charity secretly such that his left hand does not know what his right hand is giving; and a person who remembers God in seclusion and whose eyes fill (with tears).
-Abu Huraira

In life, there would be many friends and acquaintances that we will meet. Some will teach us, some will learn from us, some we will share our hearts with, while others we will keep it hidden.

But the most precious would be those that we meet and join because of Allah and when we part ways it is also because of Him.


His words, or rather the hadith touched my heart to the core. I've read and heard about it a few times but didn't really pay attention to it, but somehow, it gave me goosebumps when I read his comment. Could it be because he is sincere in giving advice, or that he speaks or wrote from his heart, I'm not sure. All i know is that I'm thankful for the support shown towards me.

Now, back to the hadith. Isn't it wonderful to know that the things mentioned are all achievable things that can be done by everyone including u and me? Especially the bolded part. I don't dare to comment further on things that are related to Islam for I fear giving the wrong comment and wrongly preach the mass. So just read it and analyze for yourself.

I also received a rather good advice from a man today. The man I met in AKPK (great program about financial management by the way.. Will spill more later). He said, "Allah bagi rezeki pada semua orang. yang Islam, yang bukan Islam, yang baik atau yang jahat. Semua akan dapat rezeki dariNya. Cuma yang membezakan setiap orang tu cuma keberkatan rezeki tu and sama ada kita akan dibalas syurga atau neraka, which is our ultimate destination. If the syurga we desire, Work our way towards keredhaanNya and take only monies that are meant for us."


It is so wonderful to receive all these advice from everyone. Keep em coming dear friends.

All of you take care of each other now. Say things that are good or don't say anything at all.

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