On the 13th Oct 09, the three of us, namely mira, datuk & me went to the ever gorgeous redang island for a four day diving course. We went there by Berjaya flight, just to save time and to reach there soonest possible.
My initial feeling when asked to go was, "ok, why not.. its paid for by the company.. its one of the 'must-cross' item in my 'things to do before i die' list.. i may not pass all the tests (yes, i started with a lot of negativity because from 7th to 11th I was in cherating for pahang-penn endurance challenge.. I didnt think I could do it since I was tired and all..)... but at least I get to spend more time by the beach, meet new people and learn new skills.."
Adding salt to wound, I overslept that morning. I promised my dad, (who was going to send me to the airport) that I would be at his house at 630am but I woke up at 630am. As soon I got in his car, I was lectured by him about the importance of punctuality and discipline in that wee hours. Then dad accidentally took a wrong turn (being a creature of habit and all) and we had to go all the way to KL and then turned back to Federal Hway to get to Subang airport. By that time, the morning rush has already started and we were stuck in it. And then, somewhere in that highway, I realized that I forgot to pack my toothbrush.. When we get to the airport, checked in, and the flight was delayed until for more than 1 hour, due to some technical problem.. DARN!!
Ok so the plane finally took off, we went for a boat ride around the neighbouring islands, and we finally arrived at the Tanjung Kalung, in Pulau Redang, our destination. The company has rented the whole chalets so basically it was like private beach for no one else but us.. I was psyched! All the negativity was blown away by first island breeze. It was love at first sight. The place was gorgeous!. The air so fresh, the water so clear and cold, the sand so fine and white..
From that moment on, I know that I'm gonna do well in all the tests and open water dives.. well, at least I knew I wont be too tired or drown or anything like that. Simply because I totally believe what my dad once said to me.. If you do something with passion & love, ur gonna excel. Period. In my heart, I kept on thinking.. "man! was I born on the wrong area!! I was suppose to be born on a beach and become a beach girl!"
I dreaded going to sleep at night because I wanted to spend more time on the hammock, blanketed by the stars . And I jumped out of bed even before the sunrise just to swim in the sea. It was heavenly....

And then I saw him..
***to be continued...***